New Series Exploring Heavy Metal History To Debut On HULU In 2025

December 16, 2024

Deadline reports that a new eight-part series exploring heavy metal history will debut on Hulu in 2025.

Produced by Vice Studios Canada, "Into The Void" (working title) will "chronicle the emotional sagas behind the most towering legends and unforgettable artists in heavy metal," according to Deadline. "It will go behind the stage into the real lives of heavy metal icons."

The series is being overseen by executive producers Evan Husney and Jason Eisener, who co-created pro wrestling documentary series "Dark Side Of The Ring", which covers scandals, mysteries, and tragedies from wrestling's storied history.

Evan Husney took to his Instagram to write: "New project alert. Super stoked to finally share what @jasoneisener and I have been working on for the past few years. Coming to @hulu in 2025.

"We both grew up as diehard fans of metal and have always been fascinated by the boundaries between fantasy and reality. The sonic worlds created by the genre’s boldest icons are rich with untold history and unimaginable trials and tribulations, and we’re excited to team up with Hulu to look beyond the mystique and show these legends as real people.

"A full episode lineup of the stories we'll be delving into will be announced closer to the show's release next year — we cant wait to share it with everyone! #heavymetal"

Earlier today (Monday, December 16),Metal Blade Records CEO Brian Slagel revealed that he is also "part of the team creating this new series".

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